SVS 2015: Thinking with the Church, Thinking with the Vineyard

Child Boards

[-] Constructive Vineyard Hermeneutics: Reading the Bible with the Vineyard

[-] Compassionate Ministry: Preaching and Teaching Troubling Texts

[-] Education Forum: Models of Theological Education for the Vineyard

[-] Eschatological Anthropology

[-] Foundations of Education

[-] Human Rights, the Church, and the Kingdom of God

[-] Identity and Character Formation in Education

[-] In Depth: Bible

[-] In Depth: Ethics

[-] Organic Church Forms within the Vineyard

[-] Partnering with the Holy Spirit: Toward a Vineyard Ecclesiology

[-] Plenary: Church Matters: Sustaining Ecclesiology Across Time

[-] Plenary: Kingdom Foundations: Reframing the Big Story of the Multiethnic Church

[-] Plenary: Learning Together for God's Kingdom: Living into Theological Education in the City

[-] Plenary: Speaking The Truth In Love

[-] Revisiting Don Williams on the "Third Wave" and the Renewal of Theology

[-] Pneumatology and Sacrament in the Vineyard

[-] Seminar: Critical Theory and Cultural Studies

[-] Seminar: Economics and Linguistics

[-] Seminar: Navigating Culturally Relevant Mission

[-] Social Ecclesiology

[-] Visual Art and Vineyard Liturgy: A Roundtable



[1] Multiply Vineyard Lunch at SVS 2015

[2] SVS 2015 program draft


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