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Caleb Maskell:
We are so excited to announce that, after an unanticipated two year hiatus, there will be an SVS meeting in 2022! Our meeting will take place November 17-18 in Denver, Colorado. As some of you will know, these are the dates just before the annual meetings of the Society of Biblical Literature, the Institute for Biblical Research, and the American Academy of Religion, and just after the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society – all of which are also happening in Denver. We think it is a golden opportunity for us to reconvene as a community! We will begin at 9am on Thursday and conclude at 5pm on Friday.  Given the unusual context of the past couple of years – both with the pandemic and the transitions that Vineyard USA has experienced – we will be experimenting with a different conference form, one that allows us to spend more time in dialogue and community with one another. As such, we will likely not have a typical Call For Papers, but will rather focus more discussion around some plenary talks, curated panels, and pre-circulated texts. We will also, as usual, make lots of time for worship, prayer, and just being together. It has been a long couple of years, and we are so excited to celebrate and reflect together! (Rest assured, there will be an excellent party….) All details about the meeting will be posted on our website as soon as they are available, including information about location, how to register, recommendations regarding housing, and so on.  For now, please SAVE THE DATE, so you can plan to attend, as well as to let other people know about SVS 2022! Also, please pray for us as we plan. We would really love our meeting to reflect the beauty of the community that we’ve developed over the years together, as well as to allow us to look forward to the future of SVS. Questions? Email us at document.write(atob('Y29udGFjdC11c0B2aW5leWFyZHNjaG9sYXJzLm9yZw=='));contact-us[insert an at symbol here]vineyardscholars[insert a dot here]org We are so looking forward to being with you in Denver! Caleb Maskell, for your SVS Steering Committee


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